U2D Ventari > Trainings
Trainings - Next Level!
Successfully organize training for your customers and employees with U2D Ventari. Do you want to display a training catalogue? Store and manage quotas? Manage participants and trainers? U2D Ventari is the right tool for your fitness program.
These companies trust U2D
Trainings as face-to-face event
Training catalogue
Single or multilingual application of the event on a microsite, including a welcome, content, schedule, dates, exhibitors, location, FAQ, contact; Presentation as a closed, open or mixed event
Single or multilingual advertising of the training courses on a microsite, including a welcome message, content, dates, trainers/speakers, FAQ, contact
Participant management
Registration of participants and email communication
Management and booking of hotel contingents based on eg hotels, room categories, days, costs
Management of appointment contingents in order to ensure the necessary learning success for the desired group size
Asynchronous survey of the training participants before, during or after the training
Management reporting, among other things with participant statistics, e.g. regarding participation, quotas and much more
Asynchrone Befragung von Gästen vor, während oder nach dem Event
Management-Reporting u.a. mit Teilnehmerstatistiken z.B. aufgrund Brandschutzverordnung, Auswertung von Live-Votings/Umfragen/Gamifications u.v.m.
+ hybrid/virtual trainings
Virtual Meeting Room
Integration of live streams and video conferencing tools
Anmeldung von Gästen mit/ohne Begleitung zum Event zzgl. Programmauswahl, Kontingentmanagement, E-Mail-Kommunikation
Darstellung von Bildergalerien & Social Walls auf der Microsite oder in der Mobile App mit Bewertung und Kommentarfunktion
"U2D Ventari is your event management platform for digital live communication! Virtual. Physically. Hybrid."
Our references
• DVAG training trips
• Deka training catalog
• Bitzer product training and webinars
• Schüco training
• IFT Academy
• Deka training catalog
• Bitzer product training and webinars
• Schüco training
• IFT Academy
We are at your disposal for
further questions or an online demo
Andreas Mändlein
Sales director
Siegfried Hornung